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The offline personal safety app to keep you and your loved ones safe.
For Android phones.

Unique features to keep you safe 24x7
Emergency SOS Activation

Emergency SOS activation manages your community members' emergencies and panic situations more effectively. Upon activation, Carelife makes automated emergency alerts, emergency calls, and loud personal safety alarms. Emergency alerts (SOS messages) containing location and emergency information are sent to the contacts set by your organization or the user themself. Updated alerts will also be sent when the user's location changes. Automated emergency calls are made to emergency services. Emergency siren alarms are produced to get public help. These bring efficient help and assistance to your members within seconds in an emergency.

Recognized by Experts
Launch a safety app for your organization
Take care of the safety of your community members with the power of Carelife. Launch a fully branded personal safety app exclusively for your members.
carelife for organizations
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