Recently, I was watching a malayalam movie named 2018. It's a survival thriller about the Kerala floods that happened in 2018. There is one scene in that movie that inspired me to write this. The scene focus on an injured boy and his parents getting succumbed to floods. Their entire house is submerged in water and due to the rise in water level, they are about to die. Then comes the hero who save them and take them to safety. But, after the family got saved, they realized that the boy wasn't sleeping, instead he was dead. The parents kept weeping and then tried to wake him up. As the boy didn't respond, the parents lost hope and assumed him dead. The hero comes again noticing this. He checked the boy's breath. Realizing the situation, the hero started doing some magic and raised the boy from death. Guess what that magic is? CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation).
Unfortunately, many of us still don't much about this CPR. The rest of this article is commonly available information on the same. Not written by me. Purpose is to increase awareness of the same.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency procedure that combines chest compressions and rescue breaths to maintain circulation and oxygenation in a person whose heart has stopped. By manually pumping the heart and providing oxygen to the lungs, CPR aims to buy valuable time until professional medical help arrives. CPR holds immense importance because it bridges the gap between cardiac arrest and professional medical intervention. When a person's heart ceases to beat, every passing second counts. By administering CPR promptly, bystanders can sustain the flow of oxygenated blood to vital organs, such as the brain, which improves the chances of survival until professional medical care is available. In fact, studies have shown that immediate CPR can double or even triple a person's chance of surviving cardiac arrest. This statistic alone highlights the crucial role that CPR plays in saving lives within our communities.
Performing CPR at the right time and following the correct technique is crucial. Here's a step-by-step guide:
1. Assess the Situation: Ensure the area is safe and check if the person is unresponsive. Gently tap their shoulders and ask loudly, "Are you okay?" If there's no response, it's time to act.
2. Call for Help: Dial the emergency services immediately and provide them with accurate information about the situation.
3. Start Chest Compressions: Place the heel of your hand on the center of the person's chest (between the nipples) and interlock your other hand on top. Position yourself vertically above the person's chest and push hard and fast. Aim for a compression depth of about two inches at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute.
4. Provide Rescue Breaths: After 30 compressions, open the person's airway by tilting their head back and lifting their chin. Pinch the person's nose, make a complete seal over their mouth, and give two rescue breaths. Each breath should last about one second and make the chest rise visibly.
5. Continue Cycles of Compressions and Breaths: Repeat the cycle of 30 compressions and two breaths until professional help arrives or the person shows signs of movement or begins to breathe normally. Even if you are not trained in CPR, performing hands-only CPR (compressions without rescue breaths) can still make a significant difference.
Increasing awareness about CPR within our communities can have a profound impact on saving lives. Here are some effective ways to spread awareness:
1. Educate yourself: Start by gaining knowledge and training in CPR. Enroll in CPR certification courses offered by recognized organizations. Being well-informed will allow you to speak confidently about the importance of CPR.
2. Share personal stories: Share stories of individuals who have been saved by CPR. Personal anecdotes can be powerful tools to illustrate the impact of CPR and encourage others to learn the technique.
3. Utilize social media: Leverage social media platforms to spread information about CPR. Create informative posts, infographics, or short videos that explain the basics of CPR, the correct techniques, and the importance of early intervention. Encourage your friends and followers to share the content to reach a wider audience.
4. Organize workshops and training sessions: Collaborate with local community centers, schools, workplaces, or civic organizations to organize CPR training sessions. Work with certified instructors to provide hands-on training to participants. Encourage attendees to become CPR-certified themselves and share their knowledge with others.
5. Engage with schools and universities: Approach schools, colleges, and universities to include CPR training as part of their curriculum or as extracurricular activities. Encourage student clubs or organizations to host CPR awareness events and workshops on campus.
6. Participate in health fairs and community events: Set up a booth at health fairs or community events where you can demonstrate CPR techniques and provide informational pamphlets. Engage with attendees, answer their questions, and distribute resources that emphasize the importance of CPR.
7. Collaborate with local healthcare providers: Reach out to local hospitals, clinics, and healthcare organizations to establish partnerships. They may have existing CPR awareness campaigns or be interested in collaborating on new initiatives. Pool your resources and expertise to conduct joint events or training sessions.
8. Seek media coverage: Contact local media outlets such as newspapers, radio stations, or television channels. Offer to share your knowledge on CPR and the importance of bystander intervention in saving lives. Request interviews or write articles to raise awareness about CPR in your community.
9. Establish partnerships with businesses and workplaces: Approach businesses and workplaces to conduct CPR training sessions for employees. Emphasize the value of CPR training in workplace safety and the potential positive impact on the community. Some businesses may also be willing to sponsor CPR training for interested individuals.
In conclusion, CPR is an extraordinary technique that empowers ordinary individuals to become heroes in emergency situations. By promptly initiating CPR, we can buy invaluable time and increase the chances of survival for someone experiencing cardiac arrest. However, for CPR to have a far-reaching impact, it is crucial to raise awareness within our communities and equip as many people as possible with the skills needed to save lives. While we may not possess the ability to raise people from death in the literal sense, CPR grants us the power to potentially reverse the course of a life-threatening event and restore vitality. Together, let us embrace CPR as an essential life skill, paving the way for a safer and more compassionate society.